The return of Abraha Al-Habashi

The return of Abraha Al-Habashi
The return of Abraha Al-Habashi

The return of Abraha Al-Habashi
Dr.. Mohammed Dabbasheh
Member of the Egyptian Writers Union

Certainly, when we think about what results from the absence of reason and reckless behavior resulting from force and oppression, we have to go back to the roots that lie deep in history to explain how the idea of demolition, by which Abraha al-Habashi wanted to demolish the Kaaba, was transferred, throwing all human values and noble morals to the wall, and God wanted to protect it from that. Messy thoughts.
  Abraha died, and his destructive ideas still rear their heads from time to time, as we see Musalima the liar riding on his arrogance to destroy the value of honesty, and we find this in the era of the caliphate, many faces of Abraha were able to reach power with the idea of destruction and distortion of the other to serve their personal interests.
The witness to this is what we see in the modern era of weakness in all aspects of life, whose components were destroyed in the same way as Abraha, without us feeling as if he was living among us to destroy all our capabilities that we depend on on our way towards life. The pockets of the simple are drained, we find it in the doctors’ exaggeration in the fees of examinations and surgical operations, we find it in the greed of merchants and the outrageous high prices of commodities unchecked, we find it in the failure to provide service to citizens in a respectful manner far from bribes, we find it in the absence of most Arab countries from fighting poverty and caring for the poor And the simple, and the field here does not expand, but rather it is a reference to the idea of demolition resulting from the absence of reason and the power of influence and control over the capabilities of peoples.
And if we want to go back to the idea of building, we must not reduce it to building stones without building people, because they are the locomotive that pulls life into the future of creativity and innovation, and we are able to revive the system of noble values and morals that are the cornerstone of building a new modern state that restores the glories of Arab civilization.
Who taught the world the meaning of life.