بوابة صوت بلادى بأمريكا

Knowledge pollution causes and solutions, Written by Ilham Ghanem Issa

Building a person, his mind and intellect is one of the most important and strongest pillars of building societies, so we all know that nations, peoples and civilizations are built on the foundations of intellectual and mental accomplishments that all mankind has taken and considered as real resources as they adopted them in the systems of education, science, health, medicine and knowledge, except that in light of this rapid technological development that is witnessed The world today has led greatly to the development of the mechanism and information systems, and an increase in its size and quantity, and it has become easy to reach it despite what it poses of information that has its drawbacks and its positives. S credibility and away from Almhennehoagelb times lacks objectivity


 On some sites, it contains subversive information and terminology for thought, reason and culture, and has a negative impact on its recipients and users

What the world is witnessing today from the rapid development of the Internet and communications network and the unlimited possibility and ease of access, as we see every day a new thing and new information and new terms that have become accessible to all. Consequently on its users and caused pollution of the intellectual environment breathed by the minds, which led to today's malignant diseases in behavior, relationships, and the way of thinking and dealing, and most of these foreign pollutants do not need to be rooted out from their roots.

There are historical, cultural, scientific and religious information and facts that have been exposed


 was exposed to forgery, misrepresentation, and distortion, as it created a state of loss, dispersion, fragmentation, and defection in one body, and in this way, in some places, the truth was lost and absent.

Under the umbrella of knowledge pollution, human issues are fully covered, including culture, knowledge, ethics, values, education, security, crime, economics and freedoms.

One of the most dangerous sources of cognitive pollution is the satellite channels that broadcast discrimination and sow discord for their interests and services. Also, means of communication, smart phones and social networks via the Internet, also some public places such as gatherings, cafes, and some books that carry in their directions and through it a special destination that is also adopted there.


 Some of the directed radio programs adopt ideas, trends, policies and trends of interest and considerations, as well as modern education and what it brings in new directions according to a new vision, new systems and directions as for personal mail and the extent of its impact on the individual

There is also cognitive pollution in surface terms that entered away from sound thinking and common sense, and thus violates all human values. There are laboratories, libraries, and centers for building information and develop strategies for them according to theories of influence and vulnerability for each type of audience, its biases and attitudes, and the effects of cognitive pollution differ from one environment to another according to their economic and social factors Political, religious

Media pollution, by its effect, insures the most serious intellectual, mental and cognitive pollutants by its direct danger to the viewer and the recipient through vinegar.


 Some of the directed radio programs adopt ideas, trends, policies and trends of interest and considerations, as well as modern education and what it brings in new directions according to a new vision, new systems and directions as for personal mail and the extent of its impact on the individual

There is also cognitive pollution in surface terms that entered away from sound thinking and common sense, and thus violates all human values. There are laboratories, libraries, and centers for building information and develop strategies for them according to theories of influence and vulnerability for each type of audience, its biases and attitudes, and the effects of cognitive pollution differ from one environment to another according to their economic and social factors Political, religious

Media pollution, by its effect, insures the most serious intellectual, mental and cognitive pollutants by its direct danger to the viewer and the recipient through


 Through what he provides in his means of information, it is often beautiful in appearance, but within it contain toxins that may lead the other to death or loss.

We also refer to social media, which is today the most widespread and has become the most influential, powerful and effective, as it is often superficial and easy to communicate information, and this makes intellectual values ​​normal, intuitive, and familiar to the recipient.

Also, the repetition of information contributes to cognitive pollution, as the interpretations of the opinion leaders of this information prove that these have a great role in cognitive pollution and information pollution, either with or without the intention

Today, we all must work to protect the existence of man and secure the requirements of his life

Books and the library are among the most important and honest real sources of information and are often free from impurities and pure pollution


 And contamination of information, either with the intention of or without it

Today, we all must work to protect the existence of man and secure the requirements of his life

The books and the library are among the most important and honest real sources of information and often they are free from impurities and pure from the pollution of the information that is pumped abundantly and are often fragile and unreal, so things get enlarged and thus negatively affects the knowledge and moral development of some and from here we must pay attention to the scientific and educational structure and encourage this research Practical, developed and supported

Here we focus on the role of the family in monitoring and sensitizing their children and building their orientations with sound cultural, social, moral, and religious skepticism, and that the family work to rebuild within it by deepening the bond of bond and meat between family members

The two families should also encourage their children to pursue their achievement


 The two families should also encourage their children to pursue their educational attainment, emphasizing a focus on scientific research and supporting it with all the requirements that allow it to build itself as well. Educational institutions have a major role in schools and universities, and here it is their responsibility to build a correct and sound approach by delivering information from its true source far from falsehood

Also building the right and proper curriculum and training children on how to deal with and use modern technologies

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