بوابة صوت بلادى بأمريكا

Claire Tawfik: Every work I did was the result of effort, fatigue, challenge, and humble determination

Claire Tawfik: Every work I did was the result of effort, fatigue, challenge, and humble determination
Dialogue: Marwa Gali Hassan
She is a journalist who was distinguished by her craft, her persuasive style, and her distinctive and striking presentation of everything that is exclusive and useful. She achieved distinguished successes in the press arena, presented a number of wonderful works, and made her way steadily. arena mapMedia and journalist, thanks to people's love for her and thanks to her talent that made her a milestone in the media and journalistic arena, she tries to present works that satisfy the public and we would like to know more about her in this dialogue.
Can we learn about your beginnings in the field of media and journalism?
I have been practicing journalism for more than twenty years, and at the beginning I joined the world of media and journalism through a friend, as I was fond of writing and the world of journalism, so I worked as an executive secretary for “Kalam al-Nas” magazine. Then to let meIn writing, it was my first investigation on "internet piracy" and Mr. Khaled Gamal played a wonderful role by encouraging me to move forward towards the world of journalism, which I adore since my early childhood, and I remember that I got a reward of two hundred pounds
About an investigation that I was assigned to, and that reward was like a crown on my chest that I am very proud of, and then set out and sail in the world of the profession of searching for troubles through my work in Classy magazine, which is the dream of my life.
_ You see, what are the most interviews and journalistic works that you cherish?
Certainly, every letter and every word I wrote was not only with the ink of my pen, but with my feeling and conscience. Any dialogue, article, or investigation that I did has a special and distinguished place in my heart and mind, because every work I did was the result of effort, fatigue, challenge, and persistence, with success and service to my community and my country in mind. .
_ What works do you refuse to publish through your magazine "Classy"?
I absolutely do not allow any news that affects the honor, honor or personal life of any person, whether he is an artist or someone else, because the profession of journalism is more noble than just achieving fame or distributing copies at the expense of people’s honor and honor, because such behaviors are only found in yellow newspapers that search and gasp for Celebrity scandals of people this is of course against the CharterHonor, the press and the media. People's private lives belong to them, and for us they are red lines that should not be crossed in any way.
What journalist would you not want to deal with, no matter how famous he is?
I do not want to deal with any journalist who does not have principles, values and ideals, and I would like to deal with a journalist who has principles, credibility and transparency and whose first and last concern is research and delivering the truth devoid of all falsification to the readers.
_ Personalities you condemn thanks to in your journalistic career?
Of course, I take the opportunity to thank and thank every person who stood by me at the beginning of my journalistic career, led by my mother, sister and brother. They were and still are my supporters and were among the main reasons for reaching the maturity and success I am in now. I do not forget any person who stood by me even with a word of encouragement. .
_ Tell us about your experience in Classy magazine?
My experience with my lover, Classy Magazine, is a wonderful and unique experience. I consider her to be one of my sons, especially the wonderful group of colleagues with whom I cooperate, such as Mr. Ahmed Wajih, Mrs. Amira Tawfiq, Mrs. Biknam Qatamish, and other distinguished colleagues, whom I undoubtedly benefited greatly from dealing with and for whom. We all left a beautiful imprint on my journalistic careerWe all cooperate in order to promote our beloved magazine in order to enlighten, educate and educate our Arab societies
_ In your opinion, which is stronger from your point of view, the visual, audio or print media?
There is no doubt that the media in all its forms is of great importance and affects the recipient, whether he is a viewer, a listener or a reader. Every person gets information and news in the appropriate way for him. The important thing is that the media message reaches the reader according to his needs, culture and education.
_ Do you accept criticism in your work?
Of course, I accept constructive criticism with ease and openness, because this makes me more careful and scrutinize all my works so that they are at the level of my ambitions and the aspirations of the readers.
_ What do you hope to present in the coming period?
I wish my magazine "Classy" success, advancement, prosperity, competition for leadership, and service to our Arab countries and all humanity. I also wish our beloved Egypt goodness, peace and prosperity.
_ Finally, a final word directed to the family of the Voice of my country newspaper in America?
I thank Sawt Biladi newspaper, and I thank you Marwa for giving me this good opportunity to meet with you and get to know your readers closely. I hope that this dialogue will be a useful information material for every journalist in the prime of his journalistic and professional life.

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