Zelensky Ukrainian President is a professional actor

Zelensky Ukrainian President is a professional actor
Zelensky Ukrainian President is a professional actor
 Zelinsky, the comedian in "Servant of the People", is a tragic hero in the war.. The actor Volodymyr quickly attracted the audience by playing the character of a professor who teaches geography and history, an ordinary professor, married, divorced, and a father who lives with his family in the city of Kiev. He is An actor who carries a clear political message and critical positions that expose the corruption that was rampant in the new Ukraine and reveal the blatant lies.
 He plays several roles within the main role written for him. An actor who moves from one situation to another with lightness and dexterity, employs his body and face well, is fluent in expression with the movements of his hands and facial features, and lives the moment in front of the camera with complete spontaneity and sincerity. Zelensky lives wonderful moments of comical and comical loud situations, and in the very realistic military series, he lives terrible tragic moments. , moving between the fronts and battlefields, or appearing through the media channels, declaring his steadfastness in the face of the barbaric advance, and supporting the Ukrainian people in this unequal war between a Bolshevik tsar and a democratic president. It dominates government decisions, confronts political and economic power in Ukraine, exposes lies and drops fake masks...
 What increased the success of the series was its symbolic, historical and imaginary turn. The professor - the president, imagines that he meets important historical figures in unique footage, including, for example, US President Abraham Lincoln, who successfully led the country in the nineteenth century, stopped the civil war, and was able to fight the battle to liberate the slaves. Likewise, the French King Louis XVI, the last king of France before the fall of the monarchy, during the French Revolution in the eighteenth century, who was executed hanging on the guillotine. Also, Ivan the Terrible, Prince of Moscow and Tsar of All Russia in the sixteenth century, known for his cruelty and violence in suppressing revolutions and leading colonial wars. Perhaps summoning such personalities carries clear political connotations and critical messages. When he meets Lincoln in the imaginary scene, the American president tells him, "Where are the achievements that you have achieved? You, too, can liberate the people." He replies, "There is no slavery here?" Lincoln replies to him: "What about the millions of Ukrainians who exhaust themselves in order to secure limousines and luxurious homes for a few "fat" elite? Aren't they slaves? Despite his assumption of the presidency, he remained the same professor, clean-cut, poor, and kind-hearted. 
.Dr. wageh Gerges
  writer and art critic