بوابة صوت بلادى بأمريكا

This is where the disaster begins, by Dr. Mohammed Dabasheh

 When we think without consciousness or logic and make a statue of snow and assume that it will remain eternal forever, this is sterile thinking that does not go with what is known that everything is going to disappear and the face of your Lord remains honorable and honorable, and when the sun of freedom rises, the anger and rejection evaporate and leave this statue and leave a successor A heavy legacy that cannot be borne by a people of the people, and the first to suffer the fire of it who made it and make it prostrate to Him.

Evidence abounds by this meaning, especially in our Arab world, for what we see as glorification and reverence for rulers, clerics and politics and walking behind them like a flock without a mind that thinks that they, like the rest of humanity, make mistakes and are right and we must all be in a middle stage we do not tend to absolute support or absolute rejection and do not believe that they are aware In everything, Moses, peace be upon him, was a prophet and went to a servant of God to teach him, which is the vegetables, peace be upon him. Do the kings, presidents, clerics, and politics accept advice from anyone, or did they attain knowledge unless the prophets did not reach him?

Based on the foregoing, the Arab world cannot take one step towards freedom, democracy, and the peaceful exchange of power as long as the people sanctify their rulers even if they reach from brutality and cruelty, unless Pharaoh and Haman did not. Unfortunately, if we made a simple comparison between the state of the Arab states and the state of Western countries, for example, we would have found Ourselves are in ignorance between the ones in progress and we seek behind backwardness as if we were a nation that wrote on itself the backwardness and instability and fighting for power and terrorism and those who pay the price are the people who are overpowered and subjected to humiliation for fear of opening the doors of prisons and detention centers.

Hence, the catastrophe begins with applause, applause and blind support that paralyzes the dynamics of the mind and makes it like the machine move in the field planned to kill the queen of criticism and evaluation and reject everything that causes him to suffer and look forward to a better tomorrow in which the sun of justice and freedom of the word rises and the acceptance of opinion and other opinion so that we remain like this our children and grandchildren problems incapable Its solution is called a king, a flag, or a leadership, to remain a people that writes backwardness and submission.

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