بوابة صوت بلادى بأمريكا

When the sun goes down..by Dr. Muhammad Dabasha

When the sun of knowledge is absent, darkness and narrow-mindedness creep into human minds, and what we see becomes dull or colored in darkness, and our ability to understand events and solve the problems we are exposed to becomes weak, unless we use industrial lamps that direct us to what we do, and in this case it imposes its will, and we only have to hear and obey .

Knowledge is like the light that illuminates minds and illuminates the way for them to see what they must do with knowledge, experience and knowledge, and we will be able to discover obstacles and address them with solutions based on scientific thinking in solving problems and if that knowledge is absent or distorted by extraneous factors, it becomes like a dark moon that derives its light from The ideas of others are dependent on the ideas they present and he remains consuming those ideas without being able to verify them through contemplation and thinking. I believe that this proposition is the scourge of the Arab peoples.

And when the transmission processes overwhelm the mental processes, can we be able to produce Arab ideas that have the ability to create and innovate in a world in which knowledge has become a weapon and progress means possessing knowledge and adapting it to serve humanity, or remain the ridiculous and ridiculous intellectual dress that cries hearts about what we have reached and the world from Around us, the rocket is quickly launched towards development, progress and prosperity, and we remain dependent on those countries that export products to us that they have refrained from using and preserve for themselves everything new.

And if we want the sun of knowledge to shine on Arab brains and return to Arab civilizations, we find Ibn Sina, Al-Farabi, Ibn Khaldun, Abu Qrat and many others like them who exported to the world the ideas they produced, we must pay attention to education, scientific research and culture and set them as priorities for building the future so that Arab thought becomes a pioneer in every field One of the areas of life and saves the Arabs from begging for the ideas of others and transmitting them without their relevance to our Arab reality, so the results will be disastrous.


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