بوابة صوت بلادى بأمريكا

Dr.. Mohamed Dabasha for Sawt Voice Belady newspaper Innovative brains are the locomotive that pulls the chariots of life towards a better future.

Dr.. Mohamed Dabasha for Sawt  Voice Belady newspaper
Innovative brains are the locomotive that pulls the chariots of life towards a better future.
The Arab media is the media of the authority and does not express the suffering of the Arab peoples
The interview was conducted by: Ilham Issa
The beginning of an overview of the revolutionary writer d. Muhammad Dabasha?
Muhammad Dabasha is a poet and journalist writer, founder and editor-in-chief of the Modern Encyclopedia of Arab Poets and Writers, a simple man who draws with words the suffering of the Arab peoples and hopes for the sunrise of knowledge so that the Arab nation can rise from its repression and be an influential force in the world to build a future worthy of us.
Dr.. Muhammad Dabasha is one of the influential personalities on social media networks and sites. How would you describe your experience with these media outlets?
Social media is like a magic carpet or Aladdin's lamp. It is one of the means that made the world like a small village, through which you can open up to other cultures and share your opinion on hot events, whether at the local or international level. Very briefly, were it not for social media, I would not have been able to publish my writings in Most of the local, Arab and international newspapers are not self-reported, especially in the literary and cultural fields.
How do we describe the socio-political changes that occur in the region?
Since the beginning of the Arab fall revolutions, the application of the policy of creative chaos, the re-division of the Middle East and the overthrow of Arab rulers under the pretext of change, the Arab region has witnessed political, economic and social deterioration. Libya, Syria and Yemen without stability, not to mention terrorism and the countries that support it, and the fourth and fifth generation wars that depend on the philosophy of self-destruction for those countries, all of this has killed the economies of those countries. In fact, what is being plotted for the Arab nation in secret is in the interest of Israel’s security in order for it to become the superpower in the Middle East.
What do you think about the programs and news presented in the media today, and are we in front of a low-level media that has lost the essence, or is there something that is being woven in secret to destroy what remains of our Arabism?
Talking about the media objectively and transparently has become very important, especially in this era filled with hot events, terrorism, high prices, poverty, lack of justice and many things that have exhausted the Arab peoples, so they are in one valley and the media is swimming in another valley. Kings and governments and its media message do not express the facts on the ground without distortion, exaggeration or favoritism for anyone. As for the private media, it is stale media that has no value, but rather negatively affects the future of peoples, their civilization and their cultures. In the end, there is no good in media that presents false news, or trivial programs, or Fallen arts, media that does not exalt the values of love, goodness and beauty, media that does not recognize the status of science and scholars, media of agendas and interests.
How do you view the media reality in the Arab world today?
As I mentioned to you in response to the previous question, we are facing a low Arab media, media that depends on appearance, color and advertisements, not based on thought to present a classy media message. As for the international media, I think that it is professional in a large aspect, but it does not have credibility at times.
How do you view the future in light of the historical changes taking place in the world? Do you expect the future to be better?
The peoples are the ones who create their future, and the Arab nation should hold fast to be at least an effective force in protecting its lands and providing a decent life for millions of Arabs who live below the poverty line. I believe that the peaceful surrender of power in all Arab countries is the key to security for a better future.
We dream of a more beautiful reality and a life that restores our civilization. The challenge is great because of the many negatives, and because we are in hibernation with the other world that precedes us. Do we have the ability to transform our society from a consumer society to a productive one?
Yes, if we provide full support for education and scientific research, we can keep pace with the progress taking place in the world, because innovative brains are the locomotive that pulls the vehicles of life towards a better future that depends on Arab innovative production.
What do you think the Arab world needs from projects to advance what has become of it?
The Arab world needs giant Arab projects that depend on Arab innovations, especially in the field of manufacturing weapons, cars, ships and all goods imported by Arab countries from the West, China and other countries, with the aim of maximizing exports and limiting the import of those goods, in addition to providing food commodities and producing them locally.
The Arab world is going through a very large state of fragmentation. Some say about them revolutions, others say outbursts. Can we really say about them a conspiracy under the so-called Arab Spring?
Even if it is a conspiracy, we must pay attention to its danger and limit its negative effects on us by working and producing, achieving justice and striving for a democratic system that accommodates everyone.
How did you address the reform of the individual and society in your writings, and what is the role of the Arab intellectual today?
I have written several writings regarding the suffering of the Egyptian and Arab citizen that dealt with many of his issues and focused on the return of wasted human values and emphasized the concepts of love, tolerance and acceptance of the other and the renunciation of violence and terrorism
What is your vision for the reform that we need today in light of what is happening in our Arab world?
From what I mentioned earlier, reform begins with the individual with hard work and ends with countries that like to take into account the rights of citizens in a dignified life
Social networking sites in the blue world and the negatives it poses, and the attempt by some to promote ideas that distort the Arab and Islamic world?
These are electronic battalions directed to serve groups that have political and economic interests in certain areas, and these attacks must be confronted with awareness and by obtaining full information on the topics that raise controversy, we can confront that.
The concept of cultural identity and religious belief is a real dilemma in our Arab world. How do you evaluate that from your point of view?
There is no unified Arab cultural identity in the modern era, but it is a mixture of multiple cultures. The Arab culture has lost its value for many centuries, and we must all create a new mechanism for the return of Arab culture to the place it deserves. 
What is the real thought that you propose to reach the real change?
Real change starts from the individual with education, scientific research, culture, work and production, and returns to the individual a better standard of living.
In your opinion, how do we work on the unity of this thought and culture among these people?
This disparity is a difference of opinion and this is normal and healthy, but the most important thing is that the language of dialogue should prevail over the language of intolerance and the rejection of the other.
What does tomorrow mean to you?
Tomorrow is inevitably coming, and I trust the youth and their ability to have a sun that shines on everyone, and if it wasn’t for the dream of a better tomorrow, the eyes of yesterday and today would still be crying.
A final word for whom and what do you say about it?
I address the leaders in all Arab countries with a cry that reveals the suffering of the simple citizen who has not found anyone to sympathize with him since his birth.

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