From the land of Egypt, the poet and writer Mohammad Abdel Aziz Shamis: Arab culture is one of the most important cultures produced by man, and after Corona, we will witness articulated changes and we have three major global projects that we will announce.

From the land of Egypt, the poet and writer Mohammad Abdel Aziz Shamis: Arab culture is one of the most important cultures produced by man, and after Corona, we will witness articulated changes and we have three major global projects that we will announce.
From the land of Egypt, the poet and writer Mohammad Abdel Aziz Shamis:  Arab culture is one of the most important cultures produced by man, and after Corona, we will witness articulated changes and we have three major global projects that we will announce.


From the land of Egypt, the poet and writer Mohammad Abdel Aziz Shamis:

Arab culture is one of the most important cultures produced by man, and after Corona, we will witness articulated changes and we have three major global projects that we will announce.


Dialogue d. ElhamGhanemIssa


A philosopher poet who has creative reflections that take a new look at what the world is going through in terms of variables according to research and study. He has a different vision in correcting mistakes, returning matters to their normal position and advancing them for the better. He is the writer and poet Mohammad Abdel Aziz Shamis


When did the literary renaissance originate and what is its present vision?
A question that leads me to random pictures or inkblots that entail examining a nation over time periods related to personal history and civilization. I do not have a single explanatory value for predictive indicators when the beginning was.
But after the occurrence of instability and political, social and cultural differences in our Arab societies, there was a reason for these variables that he had the power to stifle the height of creativity, which helped us launch the holistic project of one culture.
Hence the idea of ​​a literary renaissance emerged
But the real start of the modern Arab literary renaissance was on October 5, 2015
To confirm its Arabism, far from corruption of opinion and public taste, confusion and literary randomness, so its goals sought to form a general picture and an ideal framework for our contemporary Arab literature, which it aspires to achieve, based on its full awareness of the value of literature in the advancement of peoples, making their culture, and drawing their moral and cultural frameworks. And maybe political too
Therefore, it is imperative to respect the word, image, and adhere to the rules of the language, to preserve the music of poetry, and to make good use of the Arabic language, in terms of choosing easy vocabulary, high-end words, and sublime meanings that reflect our Arab environment in its best form.
As for her present vision
- Preserving the approach of those who preceded it and taking care of the content while paying attention to the sincerity of the experience.
Preserving the type of poetic purpose according to modernity and technological development through the creative philosophy and symbolism of construction
- Globalization and governance of the poem according to the demography of the era and linking all that is familiar, while preserving the unity of the psychological atmosphere of the poem, the sections emerge without restriction while preserving the quality of the wording
Delinquency for easy and direct expressions is approved by public taste and is suitable for more than one topic.
- Fantasy politically and socially as a clear example of mocking misfortunes and misfortunes in the frameworks of a tearful and exhausted comedy
With regard to being a microscope for life
Literature logistics according to the requirements of modernity, and the return of poetic epics and drama influenced by the social situation, politically, economically and socially, poetry and vowel, and novel.
- Appealing to wisdom and exposing falsehood in terms of imagination in the cover and the real suffering hidden behind it



The ontology of the Renaissance School of Literature between the majesty of the project and the vagueness of interpretation What does Mohammad Abdel Aziz Shamis tell us about it?
It is the cycle of life and death, and it is the process of sculpting and derivation in the journey of self-search and being to create a balanced relationship between object language and the being of language
The event horizon is an edge in space-time behind events that cannot affect an outside observer, which means that everything that happens outside the event horizon is unknown to you. Rather, you can say that the event horizon is similar to the open gate, which is the threshold separating the self and the non-subject and the cycle of life and death that makes From the human poet the model of the being aware of his status, vouching for his future
In order for the ontology to build a coherent unity of existence across one culture and different popular legacies that are open to infinity, to create a cosmology of physical existence and to achieve the demographic advantage of the Arab nation.
And the uniqueness of the modern Arab literary renaissance came in its presentation of the poetic ontology project in order to take the right path and keep the night butterflies away from their light, as poetry is not only a system or a synthesis of words
Whereas, the word is the bottom line, and we may express it in color, letter, or play, all of which benefit human beings in lightening, concealment, pain and emotion, according to mechanisms, systems, and rules that humans have consecrated in pursuit of human perfection advocated by philosophers, creators and poets




What are the goals of ontology and what is the concept of ontology?

Objectives of the ontology

Touch the remote facts

Away from falsehood that kills the vitality of the text

Detect random images or ink spots, regardless of the unit of time

Examination of our Arab civilization through time series that encompass multiple historical eras and places

The concept of ontology is the carving of special words that continues to struggle

Time and the prevalence of history on all levels, personal, family, social, local and international






The literary renaissance proposed a poetic ontology project to correct the poetic path, if we talked about this project?

Talking about a project in literature means, above all, the existence of an intellectual reference and prior and coordinated opinions on which it was built and applied its ideas, it is known that these terms were born in special circumstances and were associated with specific occasions, ideologies and languages ​​that began since the Greeks with their religious, mythological and philosophical literary conceptions and ended up to our current era. The majority of literary men believe that, in fact, it is not a matter of escalation except that those who followed the path through stages of development from one period to another and proved its validity for some time as a kind of civilization and sophistication. The contradictory plurality of black realism, socialist realism, idealistic realism and scientific realism, showed something evidenced by that astonishment, and not a single school was established that was made in the literature of its people, some of which the school of literary renaissance has made in the present generation. In a distant shift from the old to the modern, short of what literary schools make is that they increase metaphors or increase the expression of reality, and they tend to To the aforementioned method or to introduce some behavior and modification without delinquency or a leap from the avenue that was paved from ancient times. This is the easy truth for those who see the truth, and if Al-Akkad, as a pioneer of the Diwan school, was deduced from logical analyzes and accurate comparison between two worlds, then he alone produced literary works with clear characteristics and independent trends. He was also able to change the perception towards literature and the latest leap of mind behind hearing





What is the relationship between Arab and Liberian culture and the union between the literary renaissance and the Academy of Poetic Literature?
The Arab culture is one of the most important cultures produced by man throughout the ages. The Arabs benefited from what other peoples had produced and transferred many cultures and then created a new, different culture. It caused a violent shock in Europe at that time because the Europeans realized what the Arabs provided from the distinguished products. Therefore, the translation movement came Arab culture into Latin, whether through Sicily or by sending students to the Arab schools spread at that time in Andalusia
Spain transferred the Spanish language to the South American continent, the civilization of the Iberian Peninsula, in which the Arabs prevailed, to enter into the contents of the vernacular Latin dialect many of the vocabulary of the Arab and Islamic culture, and influenced its pronunciation and grammatical structure, and it was found that the flexibility of word arrangement in the Spanish sentence, unlike all languages ​​of the same The Latin origin is a simulation of the Arabic sentence.
The peoples of the South American continent were also distinguished by their civilizational and cultural openness with the various peoples of the world, which contributed to increasing rapprochement with the peoples who migrated to the continent, especially from the Arab and Islamic peoples, and became homogeneous with them in many cultures, and even merged with them into what can be described as melting in some Sometimes, this step results in common customs represented in: building the family, social relations, vocabulary, folklore, and traditional dress.
As a literary renaissance, we had to take positive steps towards the cultures of South American countries without exception. We participated in Argentina through two poetry collections in the Spanish language, namely, a hundred poets for peace and the wounded birds, then we returned to participating in Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela with the Alfred Assis groups in the Spanish language and in the end We held a joint, culturally integrated cooperation protocol with the Apokne Academy of Popular and International Culture for Modern Literature in Uruguay to revive translation and work on linking the past with the present and advancing the future in order to build an integrated cultural globalization capable of facing changes.




What about the future of culture after corona? Is Arabic literature on its way to disappearing in your opinion?
The world is witnessing a new stage and a distinct era in the history of civilized development
It imposes a kind of extrapolation and anticipation to the future to understand this
The changes and transformations that it carries, and the world has not faced the same for a century
From time, the first thing to accept is that the world will never return
Previously it was the least, I expect them to become masks
The face is also a normal aspect of life, which we should expect
A shift in the culture of work, travel, and related meetings and conferences
Changes in culture, literature and the arts, but many changes have been evident
Habits are a constant behavior, too. Intellectuals may consider digital transformation
Complete, as a step to prevent gatherings, for fear of spreading viral diseases
New in the emerging Corona virus crisis. Where we will see a change
A critical juncture that transcends qualitative change to the full openness of a space
Communication so that the concepts of conformity and likeness change completely towards diversity
Unlimited and incontrovertible at the same time which means the future of civilization
It will be exposed to immense cultural diversity far from what people have been accustomed to in waves
The virus has dropped the notion of social distancing or
Distance from everyone, so the behaviors of the "Corona" virus prevailed
It jumps from place to place, forms and renews with each new resistance, and if
The main problem was the essence of the exclusionary culture
The regulations consecrate it through the perpetual marketing of the idea of ​​immaturity of peoples
To exercise its democratic rights and accuse terrorism of anyone
Begging himself to demand change, as most cultural conflicts return
To two things, the first of which is the difference of interests, and the second is the difference in concepts
And its applications where concepts are exploited to perpetuate and confuse difference
I wear ideological conflict but the problem that we will face in the future
You will not be marginalized but rather will be the orientation towards heterogeneity and contrast.
Because the expected future culture of tomorrow includes elements of cultures
She brings it to her and transforms it to form her own distinct culture




? Do you think Arabic literature is on its way to disappearing?

The time has come for change, especially as we are living in countless moments of time that explode our inner world.

Rather, we look at our heritage as a flower that opens in the depths so that civilizations can drink from it in all kinds of food. Thus, we achieve existence with a fleeting speed at the moment of fertilization in different languages ​​because cultural transformations in the world require a more profound dynamic because it includes all aspects of human history as economic, social, cultural, political, and technical change, which is an intense, accelerating and global wave. It constitutes a unique opportunity to participate in a global globalization in which we hope that it will have an essential part to highlight its features





There is an ideological depth and global delusion to the destruction of Arab history. How does Mohammad Abdel Aziz Shamis describe this depth and this disinformation?


We must admit that we are in the time of contempt, and if the subject of history is the extension of time on the earth, then we must unite with nature instead of separating and turning against it so that the Arab intellectual becomes aware of himself even if this awareness remains very dark for long periods, then we are facing a philosophy erasing civilizations if linked Partial changes by the total and comprehensive changes in their quantitative and qualitative transformations in a historical, progressive, evolutionary path through the law of contradiction that comprises the dialectic of history. We will clearly see the picking of the living flower of our cultural, scientific and economic resources and ideological stagnation even our social legacies and turned into rigid doctrines for the sake of saving phenomena by systematic misleading




Are we in a real crisis of Arab culture, what are the ways of confrontation, and how can the cultural enlightenment of the Arab nation be restored?

Yes, we are in a real crisis and our Arab culture is floundering in a medium teeming with illiterates, lazy people, mental stupidity, fanaticism and sick fanaticism. Therefore, I decided to break my bowl in order to lighten the world, as I only have one shoe and worn glasses. Whenever I look at it, the dust becomes like dirt, so many times I go out alone. So I address myself in a fertile internal dialogue. I consider that the goal of life is happiness, and this is only achieved when we live in harmony with nature, and in order for a person to live like this one must be satisfied, and this is the basis of virtue. And to be satisfied, I am not asking to live in a barrel or to wear a pierced coat, I tell conversations and stories that have become legendary, and if the barking is in the face of a corrupt society, distinguish the difference between nature and desire, it is my priority to be my dog ​​poetry, hang the lantern lit at the fourth day in search of a person who is indifferent to desires that he cannot satisfy. In a society poetry beggars of people we think of as poets. And if the shortest way to virtue is the purely practical means, I say her gospel from now on, you will live and provide for the poor. How much do you buy and sell a heritage succeeded by grandparents? Alexander used to say, if a man extended his hand to shake his hand, he would say he stepped away from my sun, there is no hallway, no house of desire, no woman who desires, nor ignorance, he turned, and why did the Arabs name her children a lion, a tiger and a dog, and she called her servants blessed and peaceful: Because the Arabs were poisoned. Her children are for her enemies, and she named her slaves to herself, and it comes down to poetry. The educated people whose sun shines in love with them bowed to them, so she broke the threshold of her door by nesting because of the abundance of sticks like the orchard that she planted with flowers, with all kinds of fragrant grass




What are the future steps and visions of the literary renaissance today, and will we witness developments on the cultural scene of the Arab nation under the school umbrella?
We rejected the static and evident consciousness at one point, and we were not satisfied with our role according to the horizon of internationalism in our Arab countries through publications, festivals, and paper and electronic articles, but we carried our culture's lantern to the world in the language of consistency and cognitive harmony to tickle this dream as the potentials, feelings and dreams of intellectuals in a committed literature and purposeful literature to express energy Creative and intellectual as transcendent to its longevity and history
Soon, we have three major global projects that will be announced at the appropriate time and place

Could linguistic experimentation create a tributary of the structural experience and create a revolution against classical trends?
Yes, linguistic experimentation was able to break the narrative material in the classical directions and break the linearity of time stereotypical polyphony of narrative Walter Hainatnarrative in search of its dynamism and its process that imposes the necessities of development. Discourse, experimentation, receptivity, interpretation, and the horizon of waiting.
Regarding experimentation, Professor Salah Fadl says experimentation is the opposite of creativity because it is the innovation of new methods and methods in the different styles of artistic expression. It is the essence of creativity and its truth when it goes beyond the ordinary and ventures into the heart of the future, which requires courage, adventure and targeting the unknown




Has symbolism and surrealism succeeded in drawing a framework for everyday meaning by means of rhythm, association and suggestion?

Yes, it succeeded in defeating and protesting against unacceptable reality

Modern Arabic literature was filled with many poets, the symbol appeared clear in their poetry, and among them was the poet Amal Dunqul, whose use of the symbol appeared in his poetry, whether on the level of sentence structure or at the level of text composition in general.

Which gave his poetry a certain peculiarity and endowed it with a distinctive taste by embracing the current of renewal and modernity

If surrealism is a modern art that is hostile to the bourgeoisie in its essence, but it was more indulged in what is strange and wondrous and love of irony and rudeness in exchange for the madness of the world who went mad and temporarily escaping from the material restrictions and contradictions of daily life and the pictorial fragmentation that is a violation of the literary and artistic traditions, for example, were no less than an invitation French poet Arthur Rimbaud to change lives




Could Arab linguists and thinkers create an Arabic theory to respond to Fardinian de Sue Seur's theory of shifting from the structure of the text to the semiotics of the literary text in a new algorithm?

The Arabs received de Saussure's works in a relatively late era, after having six successive translations, in Tunisia, Syria and Morocco ... either directly from the French original or from the English translation. A new phase has begun in studying the phenomena of our language, away from the texts of grammar and the collections of rhetoric and the controversies of their schools. Its gradual effect became a "real revolution" in looking at language, which is what the Tunisian researcher Hussein Al-Sudani sought to trace its effects through a dissertation entitled "The Impact of Ferdinand de Saussure on Linguistic Research."



Is not this approach that establishes Western supremacy and confirms its centralization in the world? Do not such actions obscure internal influences, perhaps their cognitive impact is more immediate and more dangerous?

In the paths of cultural exchange and the processes of adaptation and change that occur during it, especially when it comes to a theory of language. Perhaps the history of this exchange would have taken a different course if the Arabs met the works of Saussure with negligence and neglect, given the insights contained in their heritage, imagining for decades that it would enrich them from every imported thought, just as they had previously made no use of the translation of Greek tragedy and comedy, for their ignorance and ignorance. About them